All the top SARMS of the year listed in one single review article, to make the life of anyone easier to find out the identity of each one of them and to select the product fitting better its needs.

The 8 Best SARMs of the Year 2024
- Ostarine (MK-2866) – Buy Best Legal Ostarine Online
- Testolone (RAD-140) – Buy Best Legal Testolone Online
- Cardarine (GW-501516) – Buy Best Legal Cardarine Online
- Ibutamoren (MK-677) – Buy Best Legal Mk 677 Online
- Ligandrol (LGD-4033) – Buy Best Legal Ligandrol Online
- Andarine (S4) – Buy Here Legal Andarine Online
- Myostatin (YK-11) – Buy Best Legal YK 11 Online
- Stenabolic (SR9009) – Buy Best Legal Stenabolic Online
SARMs – Identity and Use
SARMs, defined as “Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators”, are pharmaceuticals, with no marketing approval yet, as they are still under research.
These are drugs aiming to replace their predecessors (the banned anabolic steroids), with chemical structure and action of the SARMs quite close to that of anabolic steroids, but with a very important difference.
The selective action of SARMs greatly reduces the range of side effects and risks of use (always compared to known steroids).
Therefore, while they work in a similar way to steroids – that is, by blocking androgen receptors – they do not have their extensive action.
SARMs function selectively in muscle tissue, so they do not affect other organs (such as the prostate).
However, attention is required. As much as anabolic steroids are banned for sale & use, so are SARMs (at least so far, and until their risk to the organism and health is clarified).
SARMs – When obtaining the FDA approval – will be the most innovative aid in the field of sports and bodybuilding.
The massive physical benefits offered – almost equal to those of anabolic steroids – combined with fewer side effects will be able to open a whole new (and highly dynamic) era in the coaching/sports scene.
Huge benefits, lower recovery time, fewer side effects.
SARMs for Cutting And Bulking for Sale
(credit: PR)
Lately, there is an increasing talk about these new fitness products aiming at replacing older anabolic steroids.
Web searches have increased dramatically, as people are more interested in these “promising” supplements.
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Products such as Ostarine (MK-2866), Testolone (RAD-140), Andarine (GTx-007, S-4), Ligandrol (LGD-4033) and Cardarine (GW-501516) are the most popular options of the public, with a steady increase in interest.
One reason contributing to this increasing interest in the world is as I think that they are presented as “the harmless alternative to anabolic steroids”.
However, this is not true.
SARMs are not as “safe” as they appear on the internet.
The evidence to prove this statement is that their use remains illegal, as they have not received any marketing approval from the FDA yet.
Nevertheless, even for those who do not seem to care that these products are still under investigation and with unknown consequences for the organism; SARMs are circulating (sold) on the black market illegally on the internet.
The insufficient clinical studies carried out so far; do not make the specific chemical (pharmaceutical) preparations safe for use.
Research has not yet determined the side effects of these drugs, nor their possible interactions with other chemicals.
This means that their long-term effects on the general health of the user, as well as the possible risk for its life, remain unknown and indefinite.
The reviews found – being indeed many – on the web about SARMs rely mostly on user experiences of illegal use (since their circulation has not been legally approved).
Therefore, the fact that most reviews do not come from official clinical trials should be in itself discouraging for those thinking (even illegally) to use these drugs ignoring their real danger.
The 8 Best SARMs – Activity
Ostarine (MK-2866) – Best Sarm Overall
What is
First in the preferences of the consumers we find Ostarine (MK-2866), also known as GTx-024 or Enobosarm, MK-2866, a SARM imitating the action of the androgen/anabolic hormone testosterone.
The male hormone testosterone is the one promoting the burning of body fat (for producing beneficial energy) and promoting the rebuilding of lean muscle mass.
Therefore, SARM Ostarine (MK-2866) does exactly the same thing, and this is exactly why it was brought to the first place of the consumers’ choices (surely always referring to illegal buying and selling), as long as it remains not approved by the FDA ).
How it works
As already mentioned, MK-2866 works by imitating the action of the hormone testosterone.
As a drug, originally created to treat people with low endogenous testosterone levels, very quickly became extremely popular in the gym, promoting (largely) muscle rebuilding in the body.
Ostarine, used by both men and women, prevents waste of muscle mass, while enhancing fat loss and increasing the body’s energy levels (thus allowing workouts that are more dynamic).
With one (1) gram of Ostarine (MK-2866) we can have effective results.
To date (illegal) users of this SARM admit a huge athletic boost (both in their anaerobic and aerobic training).
In fact, as a product used mainly by bodybuilders and weightlifters, it is worth noting that it enhances bone density and prevents serious injuries (which are common especially in such “heavy” sports).
Possible Side Effects
The presentation of Ostarine (MK-2866) as a “safe” alternative to anabolic steroids is partly true.
But only in part.
Indeed, Ostarine is not a steroid, nor real testosterone. Its use does not cause hormonal disorders in the organism.
However – although significantly of lower level – its use continues to have significant effects on the organism, as side effects reported to date include diarrhea, constipation, mild stomach pain, nausea and / or vomiting.
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Testolone (RAD-140) – Best Sarm for Bulking
What it is
Next product, a very “dynamic” and popular SARM, Testolone (RAD-140), originally created to fight breast cancer and muscle waste, has now – and even before it was released legally – become the bodybuilders’ favorite product.
It is still in the first stage of clinical trials, with no clear results yet regarding the safety of this chemical.
One of the few cases reported today about RAD-140, is that of a 49-year-old man who had taken the drug and had significant liver damage.
Although the exact dosage used by the 49-year-old was never disclosed, such an event is still a “warning” for anyone selecting to take Testolone (RAD-140) illegally (before obtaining the required FDA safety approval).
In addition to the severe liver damage that occurred – as evidence shown to date – there are additional signs of side effects from the use of this SARM.
Among those not officially certified are lethargy and insomnia.
How it works
If there is one thing, we should definitely mention about RAD-140, it is the remarkable resemblance to the androgen receptor cells of the organism itself.
In fact, its selective action – especially compared to other SARMs – makes its action a lot less harmful to the organism and the (short and long-term) health of the user.
RAD-140 Testolone helps rebuild lean muscle mass, not appearing however, to affect other steroid hormone receptors.
Besides, unlike other formulations, RAD-140 does not appear (with the data collected to date) to affect body fat mass.
Therefore, it does not seem to be able to promote body fat burning in any way.
Its action – as described by studies to date – found mainly in the prevention of muscle waste and the reconstruction of muscle mass in the body, indeed fast.
However, the positive data collected is the ability of this SARM to reduce the risk of breast cancer or prostate cancer, while in addition it enhances bone density by preventing fractures or other serious injuries.
Possible Side Effects
Is the RAD-140 Testolone safe?
It’s not certain, and for that reason, it has not been approved to date.
It is definitely less dangerous compared to a testosterone replacement therapy or a cycle of anabolic steroids, however, this in no way makes it safe for use.
RAD-140 appears to enhance brain activity, prevent the destruction of brain cells and delay its aging (unlike anabolic steroids, often being the leading cause of brain damage).
Nevertheless, the RAD-140 Testolone is not without its responsibilities.
So far, side effects such as nausea (especially for users just starting a cycle) have been reported, as well as sleep disorders as mentioned above (insomnia or lethargy).
Certainly, both the risk of side effects and the extent/intensity of a side effect vary depending on the dosage followed by the user, as well as the length of the treatment cycle.
Cardarine (GW-501516) – Top Cutting Sarm
What it is
Cardarine (GW-501516), also known as Endurobol, is not actually a SARM, but a performance booster.
More specifically, GW501516, despite its alphanumeric name (which clearly refers to SARMs), is a PPAR (Peroxisome Profilerator-Activated Receptor).
Therefore, though is not really a member of the SARMs, due to its popularity many people tend to confuse it with the SARMs, so we chose to include it in our list of the most popular SARMs of the year.
How it works
The fact that the GW-501516 is not a SARM but a PPAR involves (as expected) differences in its active mechanism as well as in the results provided.
This PPAR preparation significantly increases physical strength, energy and endurance, accelerates the burning of body fat and helps in the effective management of body weight.
Those who have tried the GW-501516 Cardarine refer to a rapid boost in their athletic performance, with huge cutting benefits.
Possible Side Effects
Everything in synthetic substances like Cardarine (but also in all SARMs and PPARs), is the right use.
However, what is the “correct use”, the “correct dosage”, the “permissible time of use” not causing problems and complications in your health?
Especially, when the product does not have clear instructions for use, as it has no legal and official approval.
According to the data we have from the reviews/reports of Cardarine users to date, its proper use can bring – in addition to the other benefits mentioned above – an anti-inflammatory effect on the organism.
Nevertheless, what about its “incorrect” use?
One positive is that this chemical (unlike other similar preparations) does not stimulate the CNS (Central Nervous System).
However – and always according to the brief research and clinical studies (in humans) performed so far – it has been revealed that its ability to stimulate or accelerate the growth of cancerous tumors is possible.
These results were suggested by a 2007 study by GSK, a study that was applied to rats rather than humans (which could be the result of high dosing).
Ibutamoren (MK-677)
What it is
The MK-677 (also known as Ibutamoren) carries an extremely large and fanatical number of fans – is found in the black market illegally (since it has not received marketing approval and safety certification).
This product, with its special chemical structure, promotes the secretion of growth hormone (HGH | Human Growth Hormone), as well as the growth factor IGF-1, working to enhance athletic performance and providing significant physical benefits.
How it works
Analyzing the action of MK-677 (known as Ibutamoren), we find that it works in a way similar to that of the hormone ghrelin.
Imitating the action of the hormone ghrelin (hunger hormone), it affects the brain by binding to one of the ghrelin receptors (GHSR) and stimulates the production of growth hormone (HGH).
According to clinical studies conducted to date, MK-677 (Ibutamoren) has a strong effect on the user’s appetite, a fact expected, knowing that as a chemical imitates the hormone ghrelin in the organism.
By blocking GHSR receptors (located in a specific area of the brain) it manages – in addition to appetite – to control mood, pleasure, cognitive function, memory capacity, and in general the biological rhythms of the user.
MK-677 has a small (or even zero) effect on hormone levels such as cortisol (also known as stress hormone).
However, why is this so important?
For the reason that as the cortisol produced is no increased (unlike anabolic steroids), it prevents serious complications and dysfunctions in the organism (suppression of the immune system, reduction of wound healing, increase of recovery time, problematic brain function, reduced memory capacity, poor psychology sleep disorders).
Possible Side Effects
Although this SARM does not have many official reports of side effects, certain groups of people should be very careful when using it.
Examples of people advised not to use MK-677 include people with insulin sensitivity and certainly people with diabetes.
These people are at high risk by taking this chemical, as it is extremely likely to worsen their existing symptoms.
Otherwise, MK-677 is considered a relatively milder chemical not causing many serious side effects.
However, its improper use can cause a sharp increase in appetite, insomnia, lethargy, joint pain, insulin resistance and increased prolactin levels in the body.
Ligandrol (LGD-4033) – Best For Women
What it is
Ligandrol (LGD-4033) is another top SARM, top in sales and in efficiency.
Also known as Anabolicum or VK5211, Ligandrol (LGD-4033), is another non-approved SARM found in the black market.
Women consider it the ideal SARM for use, as it promotes the increase of bone density (especially useful in women during the menopause phase).
As a chemical supplement for athletic enhancement it is very promising, with very encouraging results from its clinical studies in humans.
However, it is still under testing and neither the action nor its possible side effects have been clarified to 100%.
How it works
SARM Ligandrol (LGD-4033) is a booster supplement for muscle and bone strengthening, promoting the formation of lean muscle mass, strengthening the bones and preventing serious injuries.
As already mentioned, the LGD-4033 is one of the most “friendly” SARMs for women.
Nevertheless, it is equally effective for use by men.
The high selectivity of this chemical does not adversely affect other tissues and clearly targets only the muscles and bones, ensuring the minimum possible side effects.
Those who used LGD-4033 as a sports supplement found fast and great muscle benefits, as well as increased physical strength (especially in the legs).
Weightlifters and bodybuilders find the action of LGD-4033 extremely beneficial, with another very special (and very useful) feature of the action of LGD-4033, the significant enhancement of sexual mood and function.
It does not interfere with the function and health of the prostate and does not seem to cause carcinogenesis.
Possible Side Effects
LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is the mildest and “friendliest” SARM for the organism, however, not missing some reports of side effects such as upset stomach, nausea & abdominal pain.
The symptoms can become more serious (and more dangerous) with reckless use (overdose, misuse, use with other drugs, use for long periods).
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Andarine (S4) – Best For Cutting
What it is
Andarine (S4) is a selective androgen receptor that – without exaggeration – belongs to the top of SARMs.
It is one of the top SARMs specifically for cutting, while originally developed for medical use and more specifically for the fight against osteoporosis/fight against muscle waste/improvement of muscle mass.
However, Andarine also shows significant benefits in the fat burning taking place in the organism, resulting in being a favorite supplement for the cutting phase of bodybuilders.
How it works
S4 Andarine is a very powerful and very active supplement belonging to the category of SARMs.
As a chemical, it works in a similar way to the well-known anabolic steroids Anavar and Winstrol.
What it actually does is to minimize the lipoprotein lipase (a specific enzyme leading to the accumulation of body fat and weight gain).
Nevertheless, the most remarkable thing about this SARM is that it protects lean muscle mass from waste and especially during the cutting phase (which is usually accompanied by an extremely low calorie diet).
It does not cause fluid retention and bloating (unlike the corresponding anabolic steroids mentioned above) and works in conjunction with the androgen receptors in the muscles and bones.
Improves the synthesis of proteins taking place in the organism and promotes athletic benefits and performance of the user.
Increased protein production is ideal for protecting and strengthening overworked joints, ligaments, bones and muscles and that is why Andarine has become very popular with bodybuilders.
With Andarine (S-4) you prevent the formation of new fat cells in the organism and you can block any increase in body weight (from body fat).
It only takes 2 to 3 days to see the first results from using Andarine.
Muscle strengthening, increased energy, enhanced muscle mass and vascularity.
This particular SARM is undoubtedly an ideal choice for dynamic cutting cycles, enhanced adipose tissue loss and increased muscle rebuilding, without a variety of supplements and stacks.
Possible Side Effects
The most common side effect reported by S4 Andarine users so far is night vision problems.
It is also clearly recommended to use the supplement carefully (in terms of dosage, method & time of use) to avoid serious side effects and health complications.
Myostatin (YK-11) – Best Sarm For Lean Muscle
What it is
Myostatin (YK-11) is generally considered as a supplement giving great muscle and energy benefits, and minimal side effects. However, we have to find out to what extent this is true.
Is it the “supreme” SARM as everyone believes?
Myostatin (YK-11) – like other SARMs – has not yet been approved by the FDA, so a non-approved preparation – and in fact a preparation still under investigation and under the microscope of scientists – it would be “naive” to accept so easily, when in fact we ignore the consequences it may have on the health of the user.
Many will refer to this SARM as a product of mass muscle rebuilding.
Its chemical structure is based on 5-α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone naturally produced by the organism itself.
How it works
As YK-11 is based on the hormone DHT 5-α-dihydrotestosterone (which should be noted as the most powerful and beneficial form of testosterone) it has gained the interest of all Bodybuilders and Weightlifters from the very beginning, while it seems to be gaining increasingly larger fanatical followers (even non-professional athletes).
The reason it is preferred by so many and even so fanatically is that it has a very strong effect on increasing muscle mass, enhancing bone density, energy stimulation and targeted fat loss.
Possible Side Effects
Myostatin (YK-11) is a non-approved chemical that can have mild to severe effects on the organism.
It is still under investigation and its side effects have not yet been fully clarified.
The data so far and the clinical studies (as well as the reviews of its illegal users) show serious side effects related to cases of organism intoxication.
Mainly due to these reports, the FDA has issued special letters warning the public and preventing the use of Myostatin (YK-11), as well as the use of other SARMs still in clinical trials.
In particular, Myostatin is not yet officially available in humans… or even in animals.
The side effects caused are completely unclear and the degree of danger of using it is huge.
Another thing that we should definitely mention about this chemical is that it belongs to the SARMs; however, it has more in common in its chemical structure with anabolic steroids.
So everyone is talking (without scientific evidence) about a “harmless” product, but something that probably does not apply.
Stenabolic (SR9009)
What it is
Certainly, we could not exclude the Stenabolic (SR9009).
The research for this SARM, as with the others mentioned above, was originally designed by Thomas Burris, a professor at the Scripps Research Institute, aiming at increasing REV-ERB activity (sharing maximum bioavailability).
Although information about Stenabolic action only relates to results from experiments on mice (and not humans), many bodybuilders are already (illegally) using it, unaware of the potential health effects.
How it works
The action of SR-9009 is mainly based on the activation of REV-ERB, leading to an increase in the circadian rhythm of the body (with many and very significant benefits for general health).
The circadian rhythm – associated with basic functions of the organism – then affects the user’s sleep cycle, mood, energy produced, as well as a variety of biochemical functions of daily life (such as appetite, metabolic function, etc.)
The SARM Stenabolic SR-9009 therefore offers – as understood – significant cutting benefits (since it promotes the control of appetite, the increase of energy levels, the metabolism and the fat burning taking place in the organism)
It is a favorite product mainly of men, used by an overwhelming percentage of bodybuilders (a percentage reaching up to 90%).
The enhancement of glucose metabolism achieved by Stenabolic in the liver, promotes a large increase in the absorption of glucose by skeletal muscle, and therefore a reduced storage of it as body fat.
The androgenic and estrogenic chemical nature of this supplement makes it ideal for use by both men and women (although men seem to prefer it).
Possible Side Effects
The popular SARM of bodybuilders Stenabolic (SR9009) does not have official marketing approval and safety certification.
Its use on a regular basis and in increased doses (as advised by a bodybuilding cycle) is quite scary for side effects.
The risk remains almost the same as that of anabolic steroid use (perhaps only slightly less in terms of the nature of the side effects).
However, the exact side effects of its use are not yet known, as the number of formal clinical trials is very limited.
Safe Bodybuilding – Our proposal
As we have repeatedly mentioned above, the eight (8) Top SARMs presented, are products under clinical trial/non-approved /illegal/unsafe for health.
This is very important for everyone to understand, as there is a tendency to promote SARMs as “safe” alternatives to known anabolic steroids.
However, as banned and dangerous as anabolic steroids are, so are (approximately) SARMs.
Let us therefore make it clear that the use of SARMs – in no case – means safe use.
The non-approval of the competent official body (FDA) for their circulation in the market is ringing a danger bell.
Prolonged use of these products may even cause damage that can be irreversible.
For this reason, we searched and found products legal and safe for the health, designed with the active capacity of the above SARMs in mind.
Let me repeat this, 100% harmless.
These are as follows:
- Brutal Force OSTABULK instead of Ostarine (MK-2866)
- Brutal Force RADBULK instead of Testolone (RAD-140)
- Brutal Force CARDALEAN instead of Cardarine (GW-501516)
- Brutal Force IBUTALEAN instead of Ibutamoren (MK-677)
- Brutal Force LIGABULK instead of Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
- Brutal Force ANDALEAN instead of Andarine (S4)
- Brutal Force YKBULK instead of Myostatin (YK-11)
- Brutal Force CUTSR9 instead of Stenabolic (SR9009)
Brutal Force is a legal company meeting all the requirements set by law.
Its facilities are FDA and GMP approved, and its supplements contain only the highest quality natural ingredients (non-synthetic/non-toxic/non-addictive/no side effects).