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LGD4033 Ligandrol for Sale | LGD-4033 Review & Side Effects

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LGD4033 Ligandrol for Sale

LGD4033 Ligandrol for Sale

In today’s article, we decided to present and discuss a well-known SARM, the LGD4033 Ligandrol, in a quite different way.

Keeping in mind that the use of this SARM was and remains to this day illegal for sports purposes, it would make no sense to talk about the positive benefits of this product.

However, here is this powerful SARM, we could say, “out of the box”, revealing everything about it.

Pros and Cons come in order to find out if (and to what extent), the use of this preparation is really worth the risk.

We also try to present in a more detailed and objective way, the personal user experience of Ligandrol LGD4033, proposing in the end legal alternatives (of corresponding effective action).

→ Click Here to Buy The Legal Alternative to Ligandrol LGD-4033

In general, I would like to try to present with absolute clarity the identity and the mode of action of this particular SARM, along with the reasons for the concern of following its use.

I wish to complete a fair review, so any potential new user of Ligandrol LGD-4033 can reach its own decision of whether to use it or not, having all the required information (positive and negative).

LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) – What it is

Ligandrol LGD-4033 is a chemical product originally developed by Ligand Pharmaceuticals to combat muscle damage caused by certain diseases (such as breast cancer).

Furthermore, the goal of this medication would be the effective treatment of the reduced bone density brought by old age (osteoporosis).

However, how does a medicinal product end up being used broadly (even illegally) as a training supplement to increase physical gains?

Let’s start by clarifying what exactly is Ligandrol LGD-4033 and what is its active force.

As already mentioned above, Ligandrol is a product of the SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) family, i.e. a selective androgen receptor modulator.

This means that it belongs to a category of preparations with “selective action” on the organism, intended to give an active force equal to that of anabolic androgenic drugs.

In other words, a SARM is a product of action similar to that of anabolic steroids, nevertheless, of a much smaller range of side effects in the organism (due to its extremely selective action).

You will often hear SARMs referred to as a “safe alternative to anabolic steroids”.

The question is, is it safe? Moreover, if so, why is their use still banned (at the level of sports support)?

Although initially the SARMs – and in particular the Ligandrol LGD-4033 presented in this article – were created to serve purely medical /therapeutic purposes, somewhere along the way their use took a completely different turn.

The sports community (and especially the bodybuilding community) “embraced” this chemical, giving it a reputation of large popularity.

LGD4033 was able to replace other (more dangerous) chemicals, providing the same benefits with fewer risks/side effects.

That alone was enough for bodybuilders to replace anabolic steroids with this new and promising SARM.(Ostarine, Rad140 etc)

LGD4033 – Is Its Use Legal or Illegal?

SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033 is allegedly presented as having almost “zero” side effects.

Is this valid and if so is its use legal and safe?

Below allow me to clarify certain facts

Ligandrol LGD-4033 may not cause the range of destructive side effects of an anabolic steroid, but it is not completely “innocent” as many would like to accept.

Proof of the fact that to date it has not been approved for circulation on the market, meaning that it remains banned in professional sports, while its use is detected and prosecuted by law.

However, the fact of its limited action in the organism (and therefore its limited side effects) has established it among the first choices of the sports world, as a “safer” alternative to the known anabolic steroids and synthetic hormones.

The reason is the apparent lower suppression of the androgen hormone testosterone, as well as its milder side effects.

In conclusion, Ligandrol LGD4033 is and remains illegal for sports purposes in most countries of the world, not officially approved by the FDA and only available as a “research product”.

Purchasing this SARM is legal (almost worldwide) only by prescription.

→ Click Here to Buy Legal Alternative to Ligandrol LGD-4033

SARM LGD-4033 – how it works

SARM Ligandrol LGD4033, considered as one of the most powerful non-steroidal supplements for bodybuilding, is in pill or capsule form and intended for oral use and not in injection form as most of the steroids.

Also known as “Anabolicum” or “VK5211”, it was created by the biopharmaceutical company Ligand Pharmaceuticals based in San Diego, for treating certain deadly diseases (such as breast or prostate cancer), as well as diseases with severe physical effects (such as cachexia and osteoporosis).

The action of SARM LGD4033 is similar to that of testosterone, increasing anabolic/androgenic benefits and enhancing the user‘s athletic performance, used in Bulking and Cutting Cycles as well.

As one of the most powerful sports enhancement chemicals found today, the SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033, as long as it is taken in very small doses, could deliver stunning physical benefits.

In fact, the oral (and not injection) use of this SARM ensures easier and safer use (for example by HIV), but also fewer side effects.

In case you didn’t know, Ligandrol LGD-4033 seems to give ten (10) times more benefits than testosterone.

Therefore, it is not a coincidence that – despite the fact that its use is illegal – bodybuilders around the world broadly prefer it.

Imitating the action of androgens enhances:

    the lean muscle mass rebuilding

    the extensive fat burning

    the physical strength and endurance

    the levels of available energy

    the muscle recovery time

    the focus

In addition, the use of LGD-4033 significantly reduces muscle damage, while almost eliminating the risk of muscle/bone/ligament injuries during tough and demanding workouts.

LGD4033 – The (real) benefits of its use

It is a fact, you may read a lot on the internet, but it’s better not to believe everything.

As a matter of business practice, many will present a preparation as ”innocent” and extremely useful for your training aiming at selling it and making the desired profit.

It is therefore very important to do extensive research before making a purchase, especially if the product for purchase is anyway illegal, dangerous and questionable as a preparation.

However, the sports benefits of Ligandrol LGD-4033 are by no means questionable.

They are 100% true and 100% visible.

Below we present a list of these benefits and the way they boost your training.

1. Reconstruction of Hard Fat Lean Muscle Mass

There are many different user experiences following the use of this SARM.

In fact, you will find reviews mentioning the rebuilding lean muscle mass of the order of almost 7 kg, i.e. pure muscle) in just 1 cycle of Ligandrol strengthening.

This is true, as there are even clinical trials confirming this unique ability to work in muscle reconstruction.

Even very low (comparative) doses of SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033 are capable of offering enormous physical benefits.

Just 2 mg a day are sufficient.

2. Strengthen Bone Density/Avoid Fractures

Most serious injuries in bodybuilding have to do with the bones, as these are the ones most stressed by lifting heavy loads.

Nevertheless, an injury is not only a negative as an injury, but also a negative situation keeping you out of training and competitions for a long time.

As we see, it is a great advantage that the use of Ligandrol LGD-4033 helps improve the quality of bones and stimulates their health.

There are sufficient clinical studies specifically demonstrating that SARM LGD-4033 enhances bone density by significantly enhancing the intake of the required nutrients needed by the bones.

3. Faster Recovery for more Frequent Workouts

Another area of ​​bodybuilding training requiring close attention is the recovery after a hard and tiring workout.

The body needs some time to “recover” in full, after such an intense and demanding process.

Usually, failure to comply with recovery times is followed by serious injuries.

The SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033, reduces the time required by the body to “recover” after a hard workout, thus allowing more intense but also more frequent workouts.

The usual time required for complete recovery in bodybuilding is estimated at 3 days, i.e. 72 hours.

Using Ligandrol you can dramatically reduce this time by half, i.e. in just 1 day (24 hours), obtaining in this way the benefits of a cycle 3 times more with the SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033.

    Three (3) times higher, number of workouts.

    Three (3) times more physical benefits.

    Three (3) times less time to reach your goal.

4. Stimulated Energy and Improved Athletic pPerformance

Which athlete does not need more energy, strength that is more physical and more endurance?

With the SARM LGD-4033, this is possible, even when your workouts have reached the “red”.

Despite the endless hours in the gym, you will never feel missing energy.

You will see your physical strength rising to another level, while you will clearly show greater endurance for longer workouts, more repetitions and greater weight lifting.

The reason for this is simple, as this medicine is designed to help patients experiencing severe pain and weakness.

Bodybuilders for training benefits used this special action of Ligandrol.

Every week of your cycle with the SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033, you find that you show higher physical endurance, increased muscular strength and improved upgraded athletic performance.

5. Promotes Fat Burning (Shredding)

Theoretically, Ligandrol is not primarily a SARM for fat loss and cutting, however it seems to significantly promote the reduction of body fat, even from difficult body fat stores.

This is mainly due to the extensive muscle bulking of the body, so increasing the metabolic function and promoting the fat burning in the body, as well as the strengthening of the bone density offering the possibility of more dynamic workouts.

The anti-catabolic action of SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033 is your best assistant (in combination with a proper diet and regular training) to eliminate excess fat from your body.

6. Minimization of Muscle Damage

A permanent danger/threat in bodybuilding is the muscle damage resulting from over-demanding and intense training or from poor nutrition.

With this particular drug designed specifically for these types of cancer patients, muscle damage is reduced to a minimum.

Reduced muscle damage entails double the benefit of each of your workouts.

SARM Ligandrol protects lean muscle mass while you follow a cutting program to eliminate the excess adipose tissue.

7. Enhancement of the Cognitive Brain Function

Yet, in addition to all the other sports benefits, there are significant scientific studies showing that the use of SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033 can have “mental” benefits in addition to physical ones.

In particular, according to studies to date, it can significantly enhance the degree of the athlete’s focus, a fact that (according to experts) secures 90% of success in a sporting event.

It also helps to stimulate the focus on the goal of each athlete, as well as the ability to

select the best strategy in a competition game.

→ Click Here to Buy Legal Alternative to Ligandrol LGD-4033

The (real) risks of using the LGD4033

Is LGD-4033 a steroid?

Does it cause side effects?

Is it a toxic substance?

Does it interact with other substances or drugs?

When making the decision to start the use of a chemical (as potent as LGD-4033), there are many questions and worries coming to your mind.

Therefore, let’s start answering slowly all your questions and fears, clarifying the truth from the myth.

1. LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is a dangerous steroid.

MYTH (at least, half of it). LGD-4033 is indeed a dangerous and very powerful chemical, not approved by the FDA, which is still under research.

However, LGD4033 is NOT a steroid.

It is a SARM. Ligandrol LGD4033 (although it provides results similar to those of anabolic steroids), it does not fall into this category.

What differentiates it from steroids is its selective action on muscles & bones.

Many – even today – confuse SARMs with anabolic steroids, mainly due to their potency.

With similar action but with a completely different mechanism of action, SARMs are a more “innocent” version of the anabolic steroids known today.

Nevertheless, SARMs (and in our case the SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033) – as well as anabolic steroids – remain illegal and banned for sporting use.

2. Causes aromatization and side effects similar to steroids.

MYTH. The fact that SARM Ligandrol (LGD-4033) does not cause “aromatization”, is one of its huge advantages over steroids.

Here is what this means.

For those not familiar and new to steroid use, aromatization is defined as the increased tendency for estrogenation, a fact usually leading to a number of side effects (related to the increase in estrogen in the organism), such as gynecomastia, fluid retention, and increased subcutaneous.

Aromatization as a side effect is associated with most AAS (Androgenic Anabolic Steroids), however not with SARMs, as SARMs are not converted (at least not as easily as steroids) to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or estrogen.

3. Testosterone suppression

REALITY. Indeed, SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033 causes – like anabolic steroids – suppression of the user’s naturally produced testosterone.

The repression may not be as great as that resulting from a cycle of steroids, however in the case of this SARM requires the application of a cycle to restore the organic hormonal balance.

This cycle is called PCT, i.e. Post Cycle Therapy.

The application of a treatment cycle (PCT) is mandatory in both anabolic steroid and SARM cycles (if not all, at least some of them).

Many find it best to allow their organism to recover/return without the use of a special PCT product.

This, however, is not right. Apart from the fact that it will take much longer for the organism to regain its lost hormonal balance, there is another risk related to an over-effort of the organism to come back.

This significantly increases the chance of long-term endocrine damage to the HPTA (Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis), entailing permanent damage: Hypogonadism.

This is the inability to produce the required amount of testosterone for the rest of a person’s life (with serious consequences in many areas of health and life).

4. Ligandrol causes sleep disorders

Probably a REALITY. In any case, why “probably”?

As this SARM is still in the research stage, not all the required data and evidence for the possible side effects associated with its use have been collected.

Although there is indeed strong evidence at the research level, as well as in several user reviews reporting sleep disorders (such as insomnia or lethargy), there is still no evidence associating these disorders with the use of this SARM.

5. Possible Muscle & Joint Pain

Unfortunately, it is a REALITY. Using SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033 is more likely to cause (milder or more severe) muscle or joint pain.

These pains are a consequence of the rapid and massive growth of muscle mass in the body, as the joints suddenly become strained, while the muscles find it difficult to heal.

In these cases, it is necessary to use a special recovery cycle after the end of the SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033 cycle.

If you do not apply treatment, you may overwhelm your body, resulting in severe exhaustion affecting even the CNS, meaning abstaining from training for a very long time (several weeks).

6. SARM Ligandrol LGD4033 can cause Testicular pPain.

This is also a REALITY. The use of LGD4033 has consequently (as already mentioned) the suppression of the body’s natural testosterone production.

The testosterone suppression caused by this SARM may be much less than that of an anabolic steroid; however, it is not negligible or without side effects.

The sedation involved in the use of such substances usually affects the testicles as well, resulting in shrinkage, atrophy, malfunction and pain.

In fact, the user has a serious chance of experiencing sexual dysfunction, reduced sperm production and infertility.

7. Causes Hair Loss (Baldness).

Hair loss (baldness) is another REALITY for the use of otherwise “innocent” SARMs.

SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033 is likely (especially after long-term use) to cause androgenetic alopecia (permanent hair loss/baldness), due to the suppression of the body’s naturally produced testosterone.

8. LGD-4033 causes additional Fluid Retention and Swelling.

REALITY. Fluid retention is a common reference among users of the SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033, though it does not happen to everyone.

The most common reason that many users of the well-known SARM experience fluid retention is the relatively low (and insufficient) water consumption.

As a side effect, it may not be dangerous or “scary”; however, it is definitely annoying and makes you intolerant.

However, there is no reason to worry because with good hydration of the body (at least 3 liters per day) it is easily treated, while the symptoms subside a few weeks after the end of the Ligandrol cycle.

9. All SARMs (including SARM Ligandrol LGD4033) are toxic to organisms.

MYTH and REALITY. The truth is somewhere in the middle.

Theoretically, the selective action of SARMs makes them much safer for the liver compared to their predecessors (anabolic steroids).

In any case, not all SARMs are the same “innocent” for liver health.

On the contrary, some of them seem – according to scientific research to date – to cause liver toxicity.

Specifically for the case of SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033, with the existing scientific data to date, it does not seem to cause an increase in ALT & ALS values.

In other words, it does not seem to affect the liver.

Certainly, as studies are still ongoing we cannot be sure of the real and long-term effects of its use.

A low dose of this powerful SARM is recommended, since (as its users claim) a small dose of 5 mg/day is sufficient to deliver the desired benefits, without extensive risks.

Ligandrol LGD4033 | Suggested Use and Dosage

There is no clear instruction for the use of SARM Ligandrol, as it is a non-approved product still under the microscope of experts.

However, as one of the most potent SARMs, Ligandrol, its administration is recommended in very low doses (which are sufficient to bring the desired benefits).

The dosages mentioned below are not an approved instruction for use of the preparation, but a result of the personal use/experience of its users.

First, let us emphasize again that Ligandrol can be used equally efficiently in the Bulking and Cutting Cycles.

Below, we see in detail what Ligandrol users told us about the “ideal” way to take SARM.

– In Bulking Cycle

A boost cycle with SARM Ligandrol lasts from three (3) to six (6) weeks, with a predominant duration of four (4) weeks for experienced users (as the time increases, the body’s tolerance to the chemical also increases).

– In Cutting Cycle

Respectively, a cutting cycle with SARM Ligandrol lasts from eight (8) to twelve (12) weeks with a predominant duration of six (6) weeks (as following this period the body develops tolerance to the active substance).

The recommended dosage may be between two and a half (2.5) and fifteen (15) mg/day.

However – as already noted – for SARM Ligandrol (due to such a strong chemical structure) does not exceed the five (5) mg/day.

The dose may seem small, but the strong chemical structure of Ligandrol is able to give satisfactory results even with small doses as the one mentioned above.

In addition, with a relatively small dose of five (5) mg/day you may not need a treatment cycle (PCT) after the SARM cycle.

Therapy Cycle (PCT) | When needed and What should I Prefer?

A standard course of treatment recommended for SARM Ligandrol is either Clomid or Nolvadex.

However, there are users who told us they prefer natural testosterone boosters as a treatment cycle to avoid the powerful side effects that are also caused by drugs such as Clomid and Nolvadex.

Note that with SARM Ligandrol not all users will experience testosterone suppression, therefore not everyone will need a treatment cycle (PCT).

We have stated before that following conservative dosage (such as five (5) mg/day) you may (without being sure) not need a treatment cycle and may not experience serious side effects.

In case you do not show side effects of suppressed testosterone production, do not follow a PCT cycle unnecessarily “loading” your organism even more with dangerous chemicals that will bring new side effects.

Is there a Legal Alternative to SARM LGD-4033?

There is and is a 100% natural alternative, a natural supplement in capsule form (for oral administration) with FDA and GMP certification for its facilities and production process.

It is a legal new generation nutritional supplement created to deliver exactly the benefits of SARM Ligandrol with ZERO SIDE EFFECTS for the user’s organism and health.

It is called LIGABULK and is a product of the company Brutal Force manufacturing support supplements especially for “heavy” sports such as bodybuilding and weightlifting.

→ Click Here to Visit the Official Website

LIGABULK – What it does

    Builds an amazing muscle mass in the body.

    Enhances physical strength for more efficient training.

    Minimizes recovery time after training, thus allowing frequent training.

    Increases energy reserves and fights the feeling of exhaustion.

    Dramatic all-natural enhancement of endogenous testosterone.

    Promotes the burning of excess body fat.

    Stimulates vascularity.

LIGABULK – Composition

    Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol) 7.5 mcg | 38% of RDD (Recommended Daily Dosage)

    MSM (MethylSulfonylMethane) 800 mg

    L-Leucine 300 mg

    Suma (Pfaffia Paniculata) [root] Powder 200 mg

    Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) [root] Powder 200 mg

    Puncture Vine (Tribulus Terrestris) [fruit] Extract [standardized to 45% Saponins] 75 mg

    Sodium Hyaluronate 30 mg

Instructions for Use

Unlike the SARM Ligandrol LGD-4033, the natural LIGABULK supplement of Brutal Force has an extremely simple (and mostly harmless) way of use.

It is administered as a capsule orally with plenty of water as a dietary supplement and not as a meal replacement.

The RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) set by the company is three (3) capsules per day, about 30 minutes before breakfast.

It is recommended to use the supplement in combination with an exercise program and a diet plan for maximum benefits.

Therapy Cycle (PCT) for LIGABULK

The natural composition of LIGABULK does not cause any degree of testosterone suppression; on the contrary, it promotes its natural production in the most “friendly” to the organism and non-invasive way.

For this reason the use of LIGABULK does not require a treatment cycle (PCT), nor does it cause the side effects caused by anabolic steroids or even (to a lesser extent) SARMs.

Recommended administration period

As a natural nutritional supplement, LIGABULK needs time to act and bring the desired benefits.

It will clearly take longer than with SARM Ligandrol (LGD-4033) to see real benefits in your body.

However, this (I think) is self-evident, and it is superior if you consider that with LIGABULK you will not face any side effects at all!

The company suggests the continuous and systematic administration of the supplement for a period of at least two (2) – three (30 months for real benefits.

This is also the reason that offers you a completely risk-free opportunity to purchase/test LIGABULK.

Each purchase comes with a 100-DAY REFUND GUARANTEE so that you can try the supplement without stress and see if it really works for you.

LIGABULK – Purchase and Price

– One (1) package comes at USD59.99 + FREE worldwide shipping

– Two (2) packages + one (1) additional package FREE at USD119.98 (from the initial price of USD239.97 USD) + FREE worldwide shipping.

→ Click Here to Visit the Official Website

SARM Ligandrol (LGD-4033) – Conclusion on its use

Is SARM Ligandrol (LGD-4033) really effective?

With no second thoughts, yes it is. There is no doubt that this SARM is one of the most powerful and most effective chemicals found out there (illegally) to enhance your athletic performance.

Will it help you lose fat? Yes.

Will it lead you to fast and spectacular muscle growth? Yes.

Will it enhance your athletic performance? Yes.

Nevertheless, is it 100% safe?

Unfortunately, no. Whatever is heard about SARMs and their “innocent” composition is only partially true.

Indeed, SARMs (and certainly the SARM Ligandrol) are much safer than steroids, but this does not mean that they are completely harmless or they do not cause any side effects.

On the contrary, they cause several side effects (comparatively less than a steroid) and in fact quite serious.

This is the reason why to date they have not been approved for long-term sports use.

Our suggestion – and for as long as SARM Ligandrol (LGD-4033) remains under the microscope of researchers – remains its legal alternative, Brutal Force’s LIGABULK which is just as effective and safe (even for long-term administration).

Click Here to Visit the Official Website

Caroline has been helping people get fit and healthy for more than 10 years. She studied Medicine Science at the University of Michigan and got certified as a Personal Trainer by the NASM. She's also certified as a Health Coach by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.


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